Thanks to a commission from Leeds 2023, we are lucky enough to be talking, creating and planning with Bramley people right on their doorsteps!

The project is part of Leeds 2023: My World, My City, My Neighbourhood. So what does our neighbourhood here in Bramley mean to people? We think Bramley has shown it is about collective action, community spirit and including all kinds of different needs and interests.And wSo what arts or arts related activities do you love? What would you like to see, do or be part of here in Bramley? Are there particular locations you’d like to see stuff happen in? What is missing? What could bring Bramley together? What could inspire, surprise and connect?

 Join us November 15th at 6pm online for an informal chat. If you cant make it then, join the  or email us times and ways  (times and locations) you’d like to meet. For more info email us at: 


















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